HELLO!! I'm Ashley Myers (Muth), a small business owner, custom couture bridal designer and tailor of formal gowns and specialty items like dance and performance costumes.
I'm a mama of two growing kiddos and married to my college sweetheart. The kids and I had our "stay at home" mom years and now that they are older, I've been back in my design studio full time.
In 2004, upon graduating with a BS in Fashion Design from Philadelphia University, I started my first bespoke design business as an Eco-Conscious Fashion Designer. My mission was sustainable design and I designed eco-conscious bridal gowns, evening wear, organic wool coats and hemp fashions for men, women and babies. I founded and produced sustainable fashion shows for the Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association's "Pennsylvania Energy Festival" bringing awareness to event attendees and sharing the benefits of sustainable and fair trade brands and local shops.
My son was born in 2011 and my formal design business closed shortly there after. All these years, I have had a home design studio and fashion design has remained a hobby, now that my tiny humans have grown into big kids who can do many of the things I was doing for them all these years, I have found the time to put my dreams on the forefront once again and TREXI Design was born in 2022!
The "TREXI" name comes from my generational roots,"Trexler", my mother's maiden name and the surname of my ancestors who settled Trexler Village, a historical landmark in rural Kempton, Pennsylvania. I was raised fifth generation in the home built by my great-great grandfather and my nieces are now sixth generation in the home.
Upon graduating from Kutztown Senior High School, I moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to study Fashion Design. My family currently resides in the greater Philadelphia area. I haven't lived in Trexler for over 20 years, however, my heart has a special place for home and I wanted my design business to honor my ancestors and TREXI Design felt right.
Our mission in life and business is to live in the moment, be kind to ourselves and others, make the best of our circumstances, make a positive impact in our communities and inspire others to live their best lives. My hope is that my customer feels confident, beautiful, happy and at ease during and after our appointments and especially when wearing a TREXI gown!