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Your Healthy Home

Staying well in your home is something we all strive for, no matter what’s going on around us, so learning these things can help us stay healthy and keep our homes a place where wellness is welcome. That means using our oils properly, finding the right supplements, and keeping our homes and selves clean. Let’s dive right in and discover ways we can all be healthy and well.

Thieves is one of the cornerstones of personal wellness, both in the oil and in the products that are infused with it, but it all started with the oil. Even the aroma of Thieves is comforting! The oil comes in a regular bottle which is great for diffusing (2-6 drops is a great amount), it comes in a Vitality version which is safe for ingesting in a tea or in a vegetarian capsule (see below for a great recipe!), and it comes in a roll-on to use for a comforting topical application on the bottom of your feet or on your chest. Depending on what you need it for, you’ve got all the options you need to let the power of Thieves keep you well.

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Custom Wellness Capsules (Thieves Vitality, Oregano Vitality, Frankincense Vitality, and Lemon Vitality in Vegetarian Capsules) Vitality oils are designed for health and wellness regimens. As we ingest them, our body processes them and we use all of the good in them to keep our body’s systems supported and healthy. This blend of Thieves Vitality, Oregano Vitality, Frankincense Vitality, and Lemon Vitality in a vegetarian capsule (start with 2 drops each and fill the rest of the capsule with a carrier oil) helps boost your immune system and promote all around wellness in your body. Each one of those oils combines to help support you when you need it the most. You’re going to want to have these oils on hand at all times for whenever someone in your home isn’t feeling their best.

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Inner Defense
Not sure you want to make your own vegetarian capsules with oils? No problem! Inner Defense combines Thieves with Oregano, Thyme, and Lemongrass to help your body with respiratory issues, when you’re feeling under the weather, and to support overall wellness. This is a powerhouse capsule and isn’t meant to be taken daily, but it’s great to have on hand when it’s needed most. Young Living recommends taking Life 9, their probiotic, 8 hours after taking Inner Defense to help maximize the benefits.

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Super C
Vitamin C is one of those things we always need in our lives, much like ensuring we have enough Vitamin D. Super C combines well over your daily amounts needed of Vitamin C with Orange essential oil and other amazing natural ingredients specifically for daily immune support. Taking this with Young Living's Vitamin D supplement helps create a great environment in your body to promote wellness. Plus, Super C is available in both regular tablets AND chewable, so you’ve got options!

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While your immune system is getting the support it needs, your glandular, nervous, and circulatory systems need help as well. MultiGreens to the rescue! Made with all the greens (well, not all, but some really important ones) and essential oils, the other systems in your body will stay running smoothly. This helps keep our bodies and lives balanced. Balance is good.

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Balance is good, but you know what else is? Sleep. Sleep is good, and when we’re feeling under the weather and our bodies need time to heal, taking ImmuPro will help you get to sleep and stay asleep so your body gets the rest it needs and lets the other supplements and oils you’re using do the work they’re intended to do. With the power of wolfberry and Orange essential oil combined with melatonin and other natural ingredients, ImmuPro is a lifesaver when your body needs the rest but you’re struggling to sleep.

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KidScents SniffleEase & KidScents SleepyIze
Kids need help staying well too and thankfully Young Living has a whole line of oils dedicated specifically to them! The KidScents line of oil blends are pre-diluted to be used for kids so you feel confident using them right out of the bottle. When your kids have the sniffles and need a little help, put SniffleEase in the diffuser or rub it on their chests to comfort them and let them feel at ease. When their little bodies need the rest, SleepyIze on the bottom of their feet or in the diffuser will encourage them to relax and fall asleep so they can get better. And if you’re feeling it too, it’s okay to use these for yourself! 

R.C. & Raven
Wellness is all encompassing. That means comfort, invigoration, and feeling refreshed fall under the umbrella of wellness. R.C. and Raven can both do this. Whether you put them in the diffuser or use them as part of a chest and throat rub, the Eucalyptus and other oils in these blends will invigorate and refresh you as you breathe them in. Raven requires dilution but it is amazing as a chest rub for adults (it’s not intended to be used on children 6 or under without consulting a medical professional). 

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Diffusing for Wellness
R.C. and Raven are both amazing in the diffuser to create a comforting atmosphere in your home, but diffusing can promote wellness in many ways. Emotional wellness, comfort for your body and mind, mental clarity, and more! There’s a diffuser blend for almost anything. General wellness and comfort can come with diffuser blends that include Thieves while emotional wellness can include blends like Stress Away or Valor. The options are almost endless. What do you like to diffuse to feel well or whole? We all have our favorites so let’s hear yours!


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Custom Rollers
Just like diffusing, creating your own custom roll-on blends can promote wellness for you and your family. Want a wellness blend to use on the go? Custom roll-on blend! Thieves and Frankincense for both physical and emotional comfort, Lavender and Cedarwood to help you get sleep so your body can recover, and so much more. Do some searching, find the right blends for you and your family and look into what they can do for you. You will be ordering rollers and making a roll-on blend for everything. It’s a good addiction to have.

NingXia Red
NingXia is the best. Nutrient dense, packed with antioxidants, and good for more than just your immune system, NingXia Red is something that will help support whole body health and wellness. Eye health, brain health, heart health, cellular function, and more. You’re going to want to go to and see just why it’s so good. You know what else? You can add Vitality oils to it for a little extra wellness support. By the way, if you’ve got a few NingXia Red and Vitality oil shots you like to do, this is the perfect place to share those. 

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Thieves Household Cleaner
A clean home helps promote wellness almost as much as making sure you’re using the right oils and supplements. Thieves Household Cleaner? Good for almost every surface in your home and a little bit goes a long way. One bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner and you will be scrubbing down the surfaces in your home and using the power of Thieves to stay happy, healthy, and well. One capful in a glass spray bottle and mixed with water and you’ve got a cleaner that is non-toxic and safe to use around pets and kids. 

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The name says it all. Diffuse it to help purify the air and get a crisp, clean scent in your home. Combine a few drops with some baking soda and put it in mason jar with a shaker top and you can use it as a carpet and furniture deodorizer! You got shoes that are smelly? A couple drops of Purification and you can have those smelling fresh again. You know how I’ve said wellness is also about comfort? Well, it’s not very comfortable when you’ve got smelly shoes everywhere. ;) Purification can also be used for healthy looking skin when applied to troubled areas. It’s amazing how many uses just one blend can have, but when it comes to wellness, that works in our favor.


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Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
Last but not least, keep your hands clean! Clean, clean, clean. We all know this, but it’s important to keep in mind, especially when people are sick or things are going around. The power of Thieves, the handiness of the foaming recipe, and you’ve got yourself something the whole family can use to keep those hands clean. Sometimes, even if you do all the other things, this can undo a lot of the hard work you’ve put in to staying well. Better safe than sorry, right?

Be Well!
I'm so excite you stopped by to learn about a few of Young Living's must have wellness products! I hope this course has been informative or has reminded you of all the amazing ways that essential oils and Young Living can help keep you and your family well. Do you have any questions? Want more suggestions? Want to share your favorite ways to use Young Living products and oils to stay well? Message me here and share away!


May your day be filled with Love, Optimism and Oils!!


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