The Basics: Essential Oils 101
Welcome to Essential Oils 101. We are going to cover the basics of this brand new world of essential oils and make sure that you know how to use everything that came in that amazing Premium Starter Kit box from Young Living. Sound good? You can send me questions as we go or you can wait until the very end and ask them after everything’s been covered. Either way, we want to make sure that you have a working understanding of what these oils are and how you can use them in your everyday life. Let's get started with WHY Young Living...
Why Young Living
Young Living has been the leader in essential oils for over 20 years, and they are constantly ahead of the pack in innovation and ensuring that their members get the absolute best in essential oils. When you really dig into what companies do to get those essential oils into the bottle and to you, you’re going to find that there’s no one else out there who does it like Young Living. They set themselves apart with their dedication and commitment to their customers to making sure that only the best, purest essential oils and essential oil infused products get into their hands. Take a look at the three main pillars of Seed to Seal and then a short breakdown of a few of the aspects of those pillars:
Sourcing: http://seedtoseal.com/en/3-pillars-sourcing
Science: http://seedtoseal.com/en/3-pillars-science
Standards: http://seedtoseal.com/en/3-pillars-standards
Here’s the short breakdown of Seed to Seal and part of the incredible process that Young Living goes through to insure that we are getting the very best in essential oils.
Seed: expert seed evaluation and selection.
Cultivate: sustainable growing and harvesting methods that meet the most rigorous standards.
Distill: an innovative combination of ancient and modern techniques to ensure the purest product and result.
Test: internal and third party testing to make sure the essential oils meet the most stringent specifications.
Seal: a dedicated facility to provide careful sealing and inspection before shipping to your home.
If you want to learn more about the Seed to Seal guarantee and see all of the farms that Young Living owns around the world, go to seedtoseal.com.

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts. The way they are extracted is by resin tapping directly from a tree, cold pressing citrus rinds, and one of the most common ways they can be extracted is through the careful process of steam distillation of a plant’s root, stem, leaves, or flower petals. Because of how they’re extracted, the benefits found in essential oils are much more powerful and targeted than the plants they come from.
With the Young Living Premium Starter Kit you get 12 oils that can do all kinds of amazing things for you – a lot of the names are kind of spoiler alerts as to what they do, hint hint – but how do you use them? Well, we’re going to get into specifics for each one, but let’s talk real quick about the three ways that oils can be used in general: Topically, Aromatically, and Internally (Dietary oils).

Here’s a breakdown on the three methods of use so we’re all familiar with each type.
Topical: This is my preferred method and I apply many of my oils everyday!! You can apply the essential oils directly to your skin or with a carrier oil, depending on the oil and what the label recommends. Good carrier oils to use with essential oils are Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Argan oil, Avocado oil, Young Living's V-6 and others like them. Whichever you prefer!

Dietary: these oils can be ingested and used as a dietary supplement, allowing the oils to be dispersed through your body in a different way. You can put these oils in a vegetable capsule and fill the rest with carrier oil, or place a drop directly in your mouth (caution: only certain, milder Vitality oils from Young Living are advised for this particular method), or add them to food or drinks in order to easily digest them and get the benefits that they provide. Young Living’s line of dietary oils is called Vitality oils, and that lets you know that the oils in those bottles are safe to ingest when used properly.
NOTE: not all oils are safe to be used topically or internally. In fact, some essential oils aren’t really good for you at all because of the fillers and synthetics used in them. That’s why I only use and recommend Young Living. That’s why Seed to Seal is so important. The others aren’t even close!

Aromatic: these oils can be diffused using an ultrasonic diffuser or inhaled directly from the bottle. Diffusing is the most popular method for this (which is why Young Living gives you one with the Premium Starter Kit) as it breaks down the oils and disperses them into the air for all to breathe in and enjoy their benefits. This is the way that you’ll find yourself using these oils the most, especially at first. Check out some our favorite diffuse blends that you can try right now!

Let's get to know the oils in the Premium Starter Kit and how you can use them!

Lemon Vitality
Lemon Vitality has a bright, citrusy taste, but it’s how it helps us that makes it really stand out. Mental clarity, healthy digestion and liver function, etc. Look up some of the main constituents in Lemon Vitality (the Essential Oil Pocket Reference is your best friend for these things, by the way) and then look up studies on what those do for your body. As far as how you use Lemon
Vitality, there are a few ways. Some people add a drop to their water ever morning or into their NingXia Red (this is the nutrient rich juice that’s in those little maroon packets you found in the bottom of the Premium Starter Kit box – it’s really good on its own, but certain Vitality oils are also really good in it, including Lemon Vitality) to start their day off right and cut through the
morning brain fog. You can add it to a recipe in place of lemon juice (it will vary how many drops you use, just keep in mind that these oils are super concentrated). You can also take it in a veggie capsule with other oils or by itself. It all boils down to preference and your need at the time. P.S. Lavender Lemonade is a good recipe that includes Lemon Vitality and Lavender Vitality (which is the same oil that’s in the regular Lavender bottle that comes with this kit, just FYI).

Citrus Fresh Vitality
Citrus oils with Spearmint come together for this zingy, fresh tasting Vitality blend. Sometimes you’ll feel like a broken record when talking about oils, but this one really is good with your morning NingXia Red. It complements the oils in it but also adds its own unique flavor which helps wake you up and put you in a good mood. Cooking with it also helps keep things fresh in the kitchen, like marinades and salad dressings. Plus, all those oils combined really pack a powerful health punch, so put a few drops in a veggie capsule and take it as a part of your daily
health regimen!
Peppermint Vitality
Most people know a lot of the ways that peppermint helps our bodies and minds, so thinking of how Peppermint Vitality helps us shouldn’t be too far of a stretch. Digestion, energy, fresh breath, etc. Popular ways to use it? Adding a drop or two in your tea for upset stomachs or a post meal help. A couple drops in your NingXia Red for a little more energy. If you can handle
the intensity, a drop directly in your mouth to help with fresh breath. Learning how to use these oils is part of the journey, because everyone is different and our bodies react differently, but if you have a question, never be afraid to ask! We’re all learning together but we’ve also been where you are right now and can help you navigate it all.

DiGize Vitality
This is one of those “the hint is in the name” oils, but this blend really is a must have for all things digestion. Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli oils all coming together to help ease digestive discomfort and keep the digestive system working properly. Not everyone likes the taste, but it works really well combined with warm water as a tea. If you want to freshen it up a bit, add a drop or two of Peppermint Vitality. Bonus, it helps with digestion too. Still want to try a different way? Add it to a veggie capsule with a carrier oil and drink down the capsule with some water. One way or another you’re going to get some relief or just keep things working right.
*for more info on Gut Health - send me a message
Thieves Vitality
Thieves might be the most recognizable oil blend on the market. Everyone tries to copy it, but there’s only one Thieves, and this is it! Immune support, comfort, and a spicy, tasty flavor. People love this in a warm tea to soothe an achy throat or daily in a veggie capsule for overall immune support. Bonus: when you ingest Thieves Vitality, you’re also getting antioxidant properties and helping cleanse your digestive system. This is a powerhouse and you are going to find yourself going back to it more often than you might think.

Frank. You’ll know the comfort of this oil from the first time you try it. Emotional, spiritual support, all while helping your skin look flawless and fabulous. Apply it topically by itself or in your moisturizer to keep your skin looking healthy. Diffuse it at nighttime with whatever helps you calm down and relax or diffuse it with oils and blends that help support emotional balance (we’re gonna talk about Valor in a bit and Frank pairs really well with it). Sometimes just a whiff straight from the bottle can help get your mind and heart right. This is a much sought after oil, so you’ll see why people keep it around.
The more you learn about Lavender, the more you’ll understand why they call it the “Swiss Army Knife of essential oils.” Seriously, ask us all about it, we’ll just keep giving you uses. You’re really going to find it useful for when you need to relax. Diffuse it by itself (about 4-6 drops) or
combine it with Frankincense for a calming, pleasant aroma. You can use it in your skincare routine as well, by itself (neat) or with a moisturizer or non-comedogenic carrier oil. When you have a skin irritation, apply some Lavender for a soothing, comforting feeling. You’ll keep adding to the list of how you use this oil and I’m fairly confident it will be one of the first oils you reorder. ;) #protip: add a drop to your mascara and your eyelashes will thank you.

For a cooling, refreshing relief to discomfort or as a way to help you cool down after a workout, apply some PanAway. Either apply it neat, directly to affected areas, or you can make a nice
cooling rub with a carrier oil for wider coverage as a muscle rubdown. This is especially helpful for active people, but its good any time you run into muscle discomfort. Side note: this is the only oil in the Premium Starter Kit that is marked for topical use only!
Peace & Calming
Spoiler alert! This blend is good for, well, peace and calming. This is a great blend to diffuse at naptime, bedtime, or if things just seem to be a little less peaceful or calm in your home. At night, for a calming experience for your skin – and because the oils in it are good for your skin – add a drop to your nighttime moisturizer. If you want help calming before bed, use a few drops and rub it on your legs and the bottom of your feet to help your mind and body get to a place where you’re ready for a good night’s sleep.

Raven is a unique blend of Ravintsara, Lemon, Wintergreen, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus
Radiata and it is good for creating a comforting atmosphere where everyone can breathe deep. One of the most popular uses for Raven is creating a chest and throat rub by combining it with a carrier oil and letting this combination of oils provide a cooling sensation that can leave you both refreshed and invigorated and also bring some relief. Please note that this is NOT recommended for use on children under the age of 6 without consulting a health professional, and when using it on any child, please make sure you dilute more than normal.
Stress Away
Stress Away is an essential oil blend whose name says it all. Diffuse it for a sweet aroma that makes your home smell like you’re on vacation. Add a couple drops to a scoop of Epsom bath salts, let them soak in, and use it for a relaxing bath. You might want to order a bottle of Lime essential oil because it goes so well with this that you’re going to find yourself wanting that unique twist in the diffuser (add a drop of Peppermint with it and it’s basically like a mojito in your diffuser!).

One of the most loved blends that Young Living has to offer, you’re going to feel confident and comforted when you diffuse this. Remember when I talked about Frankincense and Valor? Put 4 drops of Valor and 2-3 drops of Frankincense in your diffuser and breathe in the amazing aroma and calming properties. Some people wear Valor as a perfume or cologne (it’s a well balanced aroma), but you can also rub it on a weary back or neck for a comforting feeling. You want to learn more ways to use Valor? Ask anyone who has used Young Living for very long and they will tell you their favorite ways. You’re gonna fall in love just like they did, but if you don’t, you can just slide that bottle on over to me.
NingXia Red
NingXia Red. Those two beautiful packets tucked away in the bottom of that Premium Starter Kit box. Try one by itself (you can refrigerate it or not) first to see what it’s like all on its own. It is a nutrient dense drink that is packed with antioxidants and is good for eye, heart, and brain health (plus more), and helps cells function properly. You can also add a drop of any of the Vitality oils that come with the Premium Starter Kit and see why people use NingXia Red as a way to get all the benefits of their Vitality oils! Ningxiared.com is a great place to learn ALL about how amazing this is for you.

Thieves Spray
Keep this on you, always. When you go to the store, spray down the shopping cart. If you’ve got a small mess to clean up in the house, spray it and clean it. The power of Thieves will help keep things clean. Naturally derived, safe around kids and pets. It’s a perfect on the go cleaner.
Thieves Hand Sanitizer
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but who doesn’t a good hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t around? Powered by Thieves, this hand sanitizer isn’t going to leave your hands feeling dry.
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Thank You!
There’s so much more that you will learn as you continue to dig in and use these oils on a daily basis, but this gives you a great place to start with all of them!
As a special thank you for signing up as a wholesale member on my team I will be sending you a Welcome Gift with a few of my favorite things to help you get started. In addition, you will receive a $25 Account Credit from me when you purchase your starter kit of a 100pv value (make sure you use my Enroller #3928610 at sign-up!
Here's my link to Enroll Today:
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Have any questions? Send them my way! I want to make sure you understand and feel comfortable using these oils for you and your family. Thanks for being here and I can’t wait to see how these oils change your life like they did mine.